Our Services

Our Clinics and Services

Morning Surgeries

Each weekday we start morning surgeries at 8.00am. You can book in person at reception from 8.30am and online and by telephone from 8.00am. Some appointments are available to book up to 2 weeks in advance. These appointments are also made available online.

Afternoon Surgeries

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon we have a booked surgery from 2pm.

You can book some of these appointments in advance either at reception, or by telephone.

Childhood Immunisations

Our practice nursing team administer childhood immunisations when they are due in accordance with Department of Health guidelines. You would normally receive an invitation at the appropriate time. You can however make an appointment if any recommended vaccinations are overdue. 

GPAH (Minor Injury Assessment & Minor Illness) Clinics

Based at various locations locally.

If you have a recent onset problem and need an urgent appointment you may be asked to attend with one of the doctors at the Minor Injury Assessment & Minor Illness Clinics. Nurse appointments can also be accessed.

Health Checks

Patients over the age of 75, who have not been seen in the past year, may request a health check. Younger patients, who have not been seen for 3 years, may also request a health check. If you do not suffer from any chronic illness and you are between 40 and 74 years old you are eligible for a free NHS Healthcheck. We offer NHS Healthchecks with our trained Healthcare assistants Sam & Carolyn. 

Phlebotomy Clinics

We offer phlebotomy clinics each weekday morning. We have early appointments for fasting blood-tests available. You can ring, call into reception or book online for phlebotomy/blood-test appointments.

Practice Nurse

Appointments are available to see our Practice Nurses each weekday for diabetes, asthma, cervical smears, breast screening, vaccinations and dressings. Please ring or call in at reception for an appointment. 

Private Blood Tests

The Barn Surgery follows the following guidance regarding requests for blood tests to be done by a private provider:

If a patient has chosen to pay for private healthcare because:

  1. their treatment is not available on the NHS or
  2. they do not wish to be treated on the NHS

they are responsible for paying for all costs, including tests, and the private provider is responsible for managing every aspect of their healthcare (unless the patient chooses to transfer back to the NHS at a later date to continue treatment).

For that reason, private providers should not be asking GPs to arrange any tests that they deem necessary, and intend to use, to make a diagnosis and recommend a course of treatment with.
It is the private provider’s responsibility to arrange tests for patients whose care they are managing, and the patient’s responsibility to pay for them.

Shingles Vaccination

Please go to the NHS website to see if you are eligible for a shingles vaccine this year. Eligible patients can contact the Surgery to make an appointment.   

Smoking Cessation Clinic

We offer a Stop Smoking Clinic. 1:1 Sessions are held with our qualified smoking cessation advisor Sam. Please ring or call in at reception for an appointment.